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FR 07.05.

Other |


6. Jüdischer Kulturkongress Amerika - Die Goldene Medine? Details...

TH 13.05.

15:00 |
Partners |

Limmud.de-Festival 2010

Das jüdische Lernfestival in Deutschland Details...

SU 27.06.

This is an event of the <br /> Jewish Community of Berlin. 10:00 | Synagoge Oranienburger Straße
Jewish Community to Berlin

Religious education

for children in basic school age Details...

SU 27.06.

This is an event of the <br /> Jewish Community of Berlin. 16:00 | Jüdisches Gemeindehaus
Jewish Community to Berlin |

TEFILLAH und SHIRAH - Prayer and song

Cantor concert Details...

WE 30.06.

This is an event of the <br /> Jewish Community of Berlin. 18:30 | Jüdisches Gemeindehaus
Jewish Community to Berlin |

Convention of the Representative of the jewish coomunity of Berlin

WE 30.06.

18:30 | Touro College Berlin

Lecture series "Main feature of judaism"

Lecture for college members an guests Details...

SU 04.07.

Other |

Konzert: Vokales Ensemble Ranot aus Israel

Location: evangelical Paulus-Church Tempelhof Götzstr. 24 a, 12101... Details...


SA 25.04.

Shiur Shabbat

Synagoge Fraenkelufer

As always, you are warmly welcome to this Saturday's Shiur, which Josh Weiner will lead based on... Details...

TU 19.11.

Beyond Borders

Solo Concert & Reading by Elena Cheah Details...

MO 15.07.

Summer Camp at Bambinim

Bambinim Berlin/Jüdischer Familienclub für Babys, Kleinkinder und ihre Eltern

15.07.13 - 27.07.13 Details...

Show all scheduled dates from the past four weeks.